As well as building software to specifications we also own IP for our own are some examples

Compare Price WordPress Responsive Price Comparison Theme

In conjunction with Awesem Ltd we have producted a price comparinson theme for WordPress to allow owners of the theme to create a price comparison site within moments of activation. The theme features a responsive modern design with numerous configurable features within the WordPress admin screens. Users can add products manually or through a csv file import.

With over 1000 themes sold so fat this is a ever improving theme and can be purchased from themeforest here

Compare Plus WordPress Price Comparison Plugin

Compare Plus is a WordPress plugin which extends then Compare WordPress theme to allow for the user to have an automated price comparison site. With Compare+ the site owner can link directly to a number of affiliate feeds or import products through the Amazon and Tradedoubler APIs, once setup these datafeeds will be automatically imported each day without any manually interaction required.

Affiliate feeds are notoriously poor in data quality with names or products in one feed not matching those in another, brands missing and other various descrepancies. Compare+ has a number of tools to handle this including product, brand and cateogry mapping to ensure that the end site has a nice tight set of price comparison products.

Compare Plus can be purchased here

EMoneyTree Wealth Management system

Having a great deal of experience in the FinTech sector we are constantly looking at ways to help individuals and businesses better understand their collective wealth and through such understanding improve their money management skills.

EMoneyTree displays an entities funds to them in the form of .....yes you guess it.....a tree.

At a basic level the roots of the tree represent savings and pensions, the trunk represents income, and the branches and leaves represent outgoings. The colours of the leaves represent the best use of money, with light green being well spent money and dark brown being the place improvements can be made. This means that even a small version of the tree at a glance can be a good indication of how well a person manages their money.